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Ada and Canyon County Vacancy Rates

Ada and Canyon County Vacancy Rates

The newest vacancy survey for Ada and Canyon County has arrived. The average vacancy rate for the valley was a solid 2.67%. Ada County averaged a very good 1.82% while Canyon County averaged a scary 7.02%! Single family homes have slower to rent than multi-family in both Ada and Canyon Counties. We believe that the main reasons that the single-family homes are a little bit slower than multi is the weather has been colder than average, many people are moving into a newer multi-family unit rather than an older single-family, and the fact that schools are not out yet. 

Answering why there is such a big difference between Ada and Canyon County is much more difficult. Ada County remains the county of choice over Canyon. With that said, the gap between the average rental rates in the two counties as further narrowed. Rental rates in Cayon Count are now only slightly lower than Ada County, resulting in lower demand for Canyon County Units. 

First Rate’s overall average vacancy rate was 0.96%. Cayon County and Ada County were virtually the same and the single-family vacancy rates were about 2% higher than multi-family units.

We do anticipate the market to stay level with where we are currently with a very slight up-tick due to the summer season.



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