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Idaho, more than just potatoes

Idaho, more than just potatoes

Below is a link to an article from CNN citing 10 locations within the world that we all should adventure. Location 4, is Idaho, just 6 spots before Outer Space. What a compliment to list Idaho amongst well known destinations like Bolivia, Mongolia, Bhutan, and and the Arctic Circle. In fact, they recommend starting your Idaho adventure in Boise. Some of the Idaho features cited, were the deepest river gorge in North America (Hells Canyon), more miles of rivers than any other state, a waterfall (Shoshone Falls) taller than the famous Niagara Falls, and a lot more.

It's a good read, but bittersweet for me. It's nice that Idaho is getting some attention. But I must admit, I miss the small town I grew up in.

TIME Magazine recently declared Nashville, Tennessee The South's Red-Hot Town, in a piece written by Jon Meacham and published March 7, 2014.

Absorbing the scene, a visiting out-of-towner looked up from his iced tea and shook his head with an admiration that bordered on envy. "This place," he said, "just sounds prosperous." ... 

The "Batman Building" in downtown Nashville

While Nashville -- on the list of nine U.S. regions "getting it right" -- was awarded the limelight in this TIME article describing flourishing regional economies, Boise, Idaho also received recognition for its strong real estate market, cultural scene and fast-growing high-tech industries.

Middle Tennessee is one of at least a dozen red-hot but sometimes overlooked regions that have successfully pulled themselves out of the Great Recession and into a broad, rising prosperity. Though the ingredients for the booms are often similar, each region has a different recipe.

That's right, TIME included Boise in the heap of nine regional economies that share similar traits and factors for prosperity in the post-Great Recession era: employment stability in health care, higher education, government and culture; and growth generation via the region's political climate. And -- in Boise's case -- a budding presence of several high-tech industries. For the full text of the TIME article see The South's Red-Hot Town. The print-edition of the TIME article also locates Boise on the hot-spot map graphic.


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